Saturday, September 19, 2009

PSPJunk for CFWE Beta 1.0

I have been using it for a couple of months now thought I would share this.

A friend of mine (junkfactory) created this and didn't want to release it. According to him, this is just another plugin with most features already existing. He didn't even know what to call this plugin. So i dubbed it "PSPJunk". I do not take any credit of any kind for this plugin.

  1. Plays background music in vsh and game mode with volume boost (boosts only background music) only mp3 files are supported
  2. Shortcuts to poweroff, sleep or cold reboot
  3. Adjust CPU/BUS speed
  4. Display different memory usage FREE/TOTAL of the different memory partitions. This is mainly for debugging
  5. Fine adjustment of the display brightness, virtually gives you 20 brightness levels by pressing the "screen" button repeatedly. You can fallback to the default behavior by holding "LTRIGGER" while pressing the "screen" button.
  6. Prevent accidental suspend when switching back from "hold" mode
  7. Power save mode. While on the XMB, switching to "hold" will turn off the display and LEDs, underclock to 50/25. However, if you are playing a music in the music player or watching a video, hold works normally (only blocks button presses). While in game/homebrew, it will do what it does while in XMB plus pauses your game automatically.
  8. Redirect the picture folder to another folder. I find this useful in my case, because my TA088v3 with ChickHEN requires specific pictures to be in the PICTURE folder. If anything is added, it becomes really hard to bring up ChickHEN again.
  9. Control when RemoteJoyLite starts and stops. Only supported in game mode
  10. Take screenshots (BMP)
  11. Low Battery monitor. Plays an mp3 if battery is running low.
  12. Allows you to run homebrew or game (iso/cso) by pressing button combinations (shortcuts). Also works in game mode. You can jump from one homebrew/game without going through the XMB. Works even when folder lock is enabled.
  13. Folder Lock. Allows you to hide folders from the XMB or homebrew/games. Can be toggled on/off. More info on pspjunk.conf file.
  14. Give homebrews that weren't built with PSP_LARGE_MEMORY the extra slim memory. You can force a homebrew to run with its original memory by holding the "LTRIGGER" while starting. (very experimental)
  1. This plugin is not compatible with emulators thus it disables itself automatically in snes and gpsp as of beta1.
  2. Does not support pops mode

Most of these features are configurable so please read pspjunk.conf for more details. This was ONLY tested on a PSP 2000 Ta088v3 with CFWE 3.60 system

  1. Download package here
  2. Copy contents of the zip file to ms0:/seplugins
  3. Configure pspjunk.conf to your liking
  4. Open your vsh.txt and game.txt and put ms0:/seplugins/pspjunk.prx 1
  5. Save and close then reboot or launch a game for plugin to take effect
Kudos to the creators of:
  • CFWE 
  • MusicPRX
  • CustomFirmware Extender
  • M33!